I feel like I've been complaining a lot lately.. and the last thing I want is to become bitter and whiny, so today I'm focusing on gratitude.
Both Calvin and Susie have had boosts in their health since all of you beautiful people starting sending the medications and food they needed in order to turn things around. The dental treats and medications seem to really be helping, as I rarely if ever hear them with dry mouth pasties anymore, and their breath is no longer sticky! SO GRATEFUL to have jumped on the dental bandwagon before it was too late to do any reverse damage.
Not out of the woods yet, Susie does have much higher spirits so her tummy must be better. and Calvin still cries in the litter box and urinates horizontally, BUT it used to be daily, and the crying was unbearably heartbreaking. Now it's a few times a week, max, and his cries have lessened.. I have a good feeling that if we keep this up it will continue to subside. I am fully aware that this issue will likely never go away fully and I can only do so much, so my plan is (sooner, if monetization happens) whenever I have the money saved, to get him the surgery for his urinary tract issues and then he can be fully comfortable finally from then on. Aiming for a year or two from now, as this surgery is very expensive, but he's worth every penny and more. So with monetization on the horizon, I feel optimistic about being able to do this for him sooner ❤️
So my cats are on the road to recovery, my channel is on the road to monetization, I am on the road to insanity, everything is peachy 😆🤭🤷🏻♀️❤️
He's a video of Calvin demonstrating his love for scritchies