Or so says my cat. But I believe everything Susie says because she's cultured... today i'm getting closer and closer the shop launch! My mom even sent her first order in so that I can take it through the process and make sure everything is smooooth! In the mean time just cleaning up the store, getting the categories all organized with nice looking graphics and what have you 🤓 so sooooon
As for today's video.. I believe that is a superstore basket, not walmart. but she's a cat.
Hiiieee Alex, Susie and Calvin!!!
How're you guys doing? I hope cuddling up and loving on yourselves.
I'm really looking foward to the shop opening!
We're praying for all of you and we love you.
Freddie, Fina and the serf
We're still excited about the shop launch!
And Susie is still so wise... Her description of people is spot-on.