Hello beautiful souls 🤍 Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments on my last post, I'll get to reading them soon. I'm still taking the time I need, but I realized staying radio silent doesn't have to be the case. So I figured a quick story on my socials and a blog post would be just fine.
I've spent the last few days off of my computer. Relaxing, getting to things around the home that I'd been putting off, and spending quality time with Susie and Calvin. The energy already feels better. I knew I needed this, but I didn't realize how badly. I had "taken breaks" a few times, but those breaks, especially the one over the holidays, weren't really breaks at all. I just wasn't posting reels daily so that I could get working on OTHER projects for the channel... And so as I thought about it, the last time I took an actual break from my channel was at the beginning of July 2024 when I visited my mom for two weeks. I had created enough reels ahead of time that I could post them in the morning but then spent the rest of the day with my family. It was refreshing and necessary. But the move came right after I got back, and I haven't really stopped to breathe since.
So thank you. To everyone who said it was ok, to everyone who told me I mattered to them, and to breathe, and to everyone who opened my eyes to the idea that Susie and Calvin's stress could be a mirror of my own. I don't know why I didn't see that before. When I read the comments that said so, it seemed so obvious. So thank you, for telling me things I didn't know I really needed to hear.
Susie and Calvin say HIiiieeeeeeee! and we love you all very much ❤️

Hmmm… taking a break? Or is this a special training in Susie’s Spy Skoo??? 👀 All kidding aside, Alex, you bring so much joy to the world. Thank you for your humor in what can be a harsh world. It’s those that fill the hearts of others that can find themselves depleted- so know as you’re taking time to recharge, you have so much love and support coming your way. ❤️ I think we’d all rather know you, Susie, and Calvin are well and you are taking care of yourself and our favorite feline friends. Please be well, take the time you need, and know you are loved, appreciated, and supported.
So glad the break is so good for you. Take the time, shmoodle your kitties. They know that is what they are good for, besides eating!
Hi Susie and Calvin, and of course my dear Manic Pixie Cat Lady. So glad to hear from you. We all need breaks from this crazy world we live in. Hang in there and know we all love what you are doing. Let those kitties be your inspiration for your gift.
Brenda Burns.
You’re doing the right thing in taking a Real break and spending precious time with Susie & Calvin. I have to do that as much as possible for my 9 fur babies and myself. Love you guys
Thanks for letting us know u are ok. Take all the time you need! We are taking care of the fortress... and of the sniper-birds!! Let Susie know that!! 😁 Lots of love for the 3 of u! 🥰